Tuesday, July 20, 2010

2 Months of wonderful...

well, sweet girl... it's hard to believe that you're two months old. my little pretermer is doing great! she had her shots :( and appointment yesterday. she did better than i did (of course). when her pedi asked how she was doing and i said "perfect!" he chuckled to himself. BUT after examining her while she smiled and cooed, he had to agree with me. my little love is now on the growth chart, woohoo! at her 2 week she was in the 3rd percentile for height, but not on a curve for weight or head circumference. and this is where we are now...
Height: 20.5 in (3%)
Weight: 8lb 12.5oz (9%)
Head Circumference: 36 (8%)

she is getting stronger and more alert by the day. she sleeps 4-6 hours at night which is great for any 2 month old, not to mention my little one that is supposed to be lagging behind... she loves to be on her playmat and stare at the flashing lights or on her tummy to scoot around. she is giving us more smiles all the time, although we can rarely make them come on demand. she clearly does not find her parents amusing... you would be hard pressed to upset this little one. she fusses (barely) when she's sleepy or needs to burp. otherwise, she's happy as a clam! here are a few 2 months cutie pics.

just chillin' after her shots (and after the 5 hour "nap" that followed the shots). i read that babies generally either fuss for a day or 2 after their shots or choose to sleep them off. i should have known that she would opt for the latter.

showing off her cute bandaids

we celebrated dewey's 35th bday this weekend. he got a real live baby doll! we did escape parenthood on saturday night, got dressed up, and went to nick and sam's with the mccants. we had a great time...but i was ready to see my girl by the time the night was over :)

yeah...this girl :)

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