Saturday, August 6, 2011


life, as usual, has been busier than i would like. we moved from the home where we first lived as a married couple and then as parents with a precious baby girl. it was bitter sweet, but more sweet because we are so excited about the changes-my first REAL job which means better hours and more family time (and better pay as an added bonus), a new life in frisco, and being so close to all of my family which has officially invaded north dallas. my parents moved the week before we did (mckinney) and my brother and family moved the week after (prosper). we decided the record heat really set the stage for a good move...
ours has been a bit complicated as we fell into an "awesome" short sale (basically an almost foreclosure). well let's just say that lots of things aren't working and we're currently renting as the closing continues to be delayed for one reason or another. fun times! at least there's a pool to help us forget that our shower doesn't work, the a/c is so-so, no doorbell, handwashing the dishes... (a big glass of wine helps too!)

bye-bye 1822 creekway drive

i will NEVER feed my baby fries. unless we're moving, with no a/c, and my parents house is in boxes, and we're eating on the floor, and we've missed a nap...

baylor baby

sitting on the side of the hot tub (in her totally mismatched, but this-top-provides-the-most-coverage-and-i'll-actually-leave-this-hat-on outfit) waiting for daddy to get to 3 so she can jump!

mitchell family swim party

5:30 nightly

happy baby and good country music always present

L showing me the babies eyes. she is doing so many new and adorable things, but i'll save them for her 15 month post. which may be a little late (gasp!) if i want her pedi stats. i think we're sans insurance until september 1...

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