Tuesday, June 11, 2013

EWM-1 month

My little guy turned 1 month old on his sister's 3rd birthday (5/19/10).  And this is how he's doing...
Eating: Everett fell into an easy 2.5 to 3hr eating routine on his own and was even giving us a one 4hr stretch from the time he was about a week and a half old.  He has had several bottles since Mommy started working part time when E was only 2 weeks.  He will down 3.5-4oz in 5 minutes flat.  Quite a change from his sister!
Sleep:  We have not had any difficulty with day/night confusion and E has started showing us more and  more wake time which is very sweet.  Naps are a bit of a challenge which we are just now finding out since so many in the first few weeks were in Mommy's arms.  Why put the baby down when you have such a small window to hold them?
Personality:  Hmm...let's just say E have a bit more than we're used to at this age.  His lungs get excellent work outs anytime his diaper is changed, he's ready to eat, he's sleepy, or the wind changes direction without his consent.  L often tries to force the paci in his mouth and says so sweetly, "That's enough baby brother.  Big sister is right here."  This too shall pass
Size:  Definitely going to pass up your teeny sister in no time.  At 1 month we estimate that you are over 9 and a half pounds, we have moved on to size 1 diapers, and newborn clothes will probably be a thing of the past in the next couple of weeks!

Despite E's lively personality, I sure have loved having a newborn to kiss and snuggle in the wee hours of the night.  It may have something to do with the fact that I am his food source, but he is definitely mommy's little boy.  That first month flew by!

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