Thursday, May 6, 2010

Blog Beginnings

I planned to start a blog once we were expecting a baby. Well, between work, preparing for our baby girl, and soaking up as much time as possible with my husband, that project was pushed to the backburner. Unfortunately, about 7 and a half weeks before my due date, my doctor found that my baby wasn't growing very well and her amniotic fluid levels were low-signs that the placenta isn't working well. why?? who knows... Regardless, I spent a few nights in the hospital and was completely prepared for a preemie, but praise the Lord things improved and I am now home on bedrest. We may still have a scrawny little thing that comes a little earlier than expected, but we are SO thankful for the last two weeks of much needed "cooking". All that to say, I have some extra time on my hands...

We are now doing sonograms twice a week to follow her fluid levels, overall well-being, and growth. Her fluid dropped a little bit this week, so we'll follow up today. I'm praying that the fluid has either improved or remained stable. Otherwise, I may see another hospital admission in my future... We're packed and ready either way and my sweet hubby put together all of our gadgets this week.
This is a pic from my maternity photo session (about 3 and a half weeks ago). My belly looks just about the same....


  1. I am so glad you started a blog. I hope you are doing well. Thanks for following my blog. I am glad I found yours. I willkeep up with you:) I have been praying for you and baby Lofton!!

  2. Love your blog!!! Please post again soon, with maybe some pictures!!! Some of your newer friends may not have seen pictures of your wedding, baby shower, or Lofton's room...if you do post pictures, please take a picture of her chair with her new pillow!!! So cute.
    Have a very restful Mother's Day!!!
    Love you, Mom

  3. Love your blog! :) If I can find the time I need to start one too! I love your new maternity picutre, you look so pretty. I'm glad Lofton is doing well and staying in as long as possible. I've been praying for you every day. Grant can't wait to meet his girlfriend ;) Hope you have a good day!

