Tuesday, May 25, 2010

"For this child we have prayed..."

She didn't get the memo that she's out of the womb and now has room to stretch

Daddy and his girl

Always put the baby to sleep in her own bed...awake...you don't want her to get spoiled...

Getting ready to head home

Gigi and Papa J

Baby Doll

LOVES the carseat...yeah right

Welcome Home Darling!

So here is the short(er) story of how miss Lofton arrived. We went to our regularly scheduled sonogram on May 18th and her fluid level had dropped again. After speaking with the MFM doctor the decision was made that the risks of carrying the pregnancy any further outweighed any benefits of keeping her in longer so we decided to proceed with delivery. When we arrived in Labor and Delivery my cervix was noted to be...CLOSED!! not a great set-up for a routine vaginal delivery. Well we did a 12 hour overnight medicine (cervidil) to try and make a little progress and after a sleepless night of moderate contractions every 3-5 minutes and constant back pain, I had progressed to 1 cm :( So with the help of my friends and colleagues (yes, 2 of my girlfriends have now checked my cervix) we did a method to place mechanical pressure on the cervix and force dilation. And then the tears came... I refused an epidural b/c i didn't want to be one of "those" that gets there epidural at 1cm and 12 hours later gets a c/s. Plus, I knew that if it didn't work we might do the cervidil AGAIN and delivery may be hours and hours away. BUT about 4 hours after placement of the foley in my uterus I was 3 cm. woohoo!! I was absolutely thrilled and knew actual labor was on its way. So I asked for my epidural (i'm no fool afterall) and was 5cm an hour later. Now comfy with my epidural, which by the way is the BEST invention of all time, I settled in for a nap. No time though b/c 2 hours after that I was completely dilated and she was ready to make her debut. 3 pushes later at 3:28pm on May 19th Lofton Elizabeth entered the world screaming and flailing. NICU team needed, nope! Stimulation needed, nope! Formula needed to help her blood sugar, nope! This child is a fighter. They have an entire protocol for late pretermers and she flew through without a hitch. Her weight dropped to 4lb 7oz which is totally normal. We headed home as a family of 3 on Friday with an appointment to see our pediatrician on Saturday morning to check her weight and jaundice. We knew that formula supplementation may be necessary since she's so tiny. Much to Dr. Yaeger's surprise her weight did not drop any further and jaundice was on its way out without treatment. He said we couldn't ask for more from a full term baby.
For some comic relief we did arrive home from the hospital to a television that the volume had gone out and a fire alarm that died and beeping ensued at midnight our first night home :) we just laughed (and went to best buy after leaving the pedi...). Also, on Saturday I opened up my brand new pump for some much needed relief and oops! it was packaged wrong and a vital piece was missing. Funny now, but not then. We are now just chilling and loving life. Come visit (as long as you're over 12 and don't mind hand sanitizer). We'll be here!
Love, Dewey, Jordan, and Lofton
ps-if you want some wake time, 2am is your best bet. our days and nights have gotten a little confused these last few days...

1 comment:

  1. I am so amazed how your birth went so quick and you progressed! What a blessing! I am a tad bit jealous but more thankful for you and that Lofton is so healthy! Yay! :) Can't wait to meet her soon.
