well, her first month has come and gone and i could just cry thinking about it. she has added more joy to our lives already than i knew was possible. we've already cried because she was crying and done everything in our power to make her smile. my days have not been spent doing laundry, cleaning the house, washing dishes, taking naps, or writing thank you notes. i've been too busy adoring, kissing, and cuddling.
lofton has officially had her first sickness :( we went to the doctor yesterday for a little stomach virus. the good news is that in 16 days she went from 5lb 1.5oz to 6lb 13oz. i
told you she likes to eat. below are a few pics celebrating her 1 month birthday. i couldn't decide which was cutest so you get 3 :)

at 1 month you are more awake and alert by the day, making great eye contact, lifting your head to scary heights, nursing like a champ, and even scooching around during tummy time.
you love sleeping on daddy's chest, riding in the car, taking baths, midnight parties, and being loved and adored by all the family around
you hate being strapped into the carseat, going potty, and going to sleep.
overall a very happy little girl

This is last night at Lakewood Country Club for a graduation dinner. Our first night out...

...sort of! we couldn't leave our sick little one at home so she joined in on the fun. word to the wise-fitted, strapless dresses do not make the best nursing attire!