Thursday, October 18, 2012

Phone Dump

Terrible 2's?  Says who?  This age may be filled with the need for a little more guidance and a few more "No's", but the overall description of this age is...hysterical!  We are constantly entertained. 
L quotes:
1) while protesting her nap from her bedroom door earlier this week, "I don't want to nap Mama!  I want a sucker!  Please, please, please!  I'll eat all of my green beans!"  clearly i cut this deal with her at one point in life.
2) Dewey tries to take off one of L's bandaids in the bath, "No Daddy.  You need to keep your hands to yourself."  i bet she hears this phrase at school quite frequently.
3) "Lofton, 2 more minutes and we need to go."  "No Mama, I think we'll wait 3 more minutes."
4)  "Come here Daddy.  I'll make you better.  I'm a Doctor."
Here are a few random pics from my phone over the past couple of weeks.  Enjoy my little love! (we sure do).

 L "helping" with the laundry
 Lofton and Katie Grace.  Some people just can't take a hint...
 Post-bday party on a no-nap Sunday
 Boomer Sooner
 Potty training break at the park
 Super excited to go to church!
"L, How much do you love Papa J?"
Lofton, our lives are richer with you in them.  Love you to the moon and back baby girl. xoxo

1 comment:

  1. cute little knickers baby girl it would be a pleasure to sloooooowly pull those down and make u feel real good
